The following ticket prices apply at Theater am Werk:
Normal price
€ 24
Unter 30
€ 14
Ab 60
€ 19
Vorteilsclub der Stadt Wien
€ 19
€ 14
Menschen mit Behindertenpass
€ 14
Menschen mit persönlicher Assistenz (inkl. Freikarte für PA)
€ 14
Standard Abovorteil
€ 22
Ö1 Club
€ 21
Ö1 Intro
€ 12
All ticket prices incl. 10% VAT.
When purchasing discounted tickets online, proof of eligibility for the discount may be requested upon admission.
Prices are subject to change without notice. Ticket prices may vary for individual events. Information can be found directly at the respective event.
Theater am Werk is a partner of Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur.
KommPAKT! subscription
5 performances at 5 Viennese theaters
for € 75 / € 50
Be curious and let yourself be surprised by what theatre in your city can offer!
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PAKT - Plattform der Häuser darstellender Künste is an association of publicly funded, non-profit event organisations in the field of contemporary performing arts in Vienna.
Box office
The box office opens one hour before the start of each performance. Payment at the box office can be made in cash or by debit card at both venues.
Cloakroom obligation
Theater am Werk is subject to the statutory cloakroom requirement in accordance with the provisions of the Vienna Event Venues Act (§ 12). It is officially stipulated that coats, jackets and other overclothing as well as bags and rucksacks must be deposited at the cloakroom.
At Petersplatz, lockers are available for your cloakroom, for which you will need to pay € 1.
Late Admission
Depending on the production, we cannot guarantee a late admission.